Power tools really need to be free from rust all the time and making sure that it is worth a of time. Basements and garages is not an ideal place to keep your power tools because of its humidity Here are a few tips to cut off your time in cleaning them .

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To protect the power tools from the onset of rust, manufacturers makes sure that they are covered with cosmoline to protect them for the harsh elements . But as soon as it riches your place or shop these are being removed and the tools are left unprotected . Carpenter often strips the power tools of cosmoline , making them vulnerable to rust.

Protecting our power tools would mean that we need to coat them again to keep away moisture. Commercially made rust preventive products can be the easiest way to do it. Two of the most popular brand are the Boeshield T-9 and Empire Top Saver.These 2 products are used the same way, by spraying and rubbing it down all over the cast iron making sure to wipe off the excess, this can be repeated every now and then.

We cannot always conclude that once we keep our tools clean in a nice storage place it will be kept away from rust. And if you leave it alone for a longer period of time it will definitely destroy it completely.

This is a jointer without any rust protection. The buildup of sawdust on the cast iron bed encouraged the formation of rust. After a couple of years this cast iron will need care.

Steel wool is the most common tool that is used to remove rust formation , but the problem with this abrasive tool is if it can't reach the areas where there are still formation of rust. Fortunately, there are products available that can make this job a lot easier and more effective.

Boeshiled is a rust remover that completes its tasks quickly. This is the best rust removal that you can use on larger tools. Just spray , wait 1 minute and wipe.. Use a steel wool to remove the remaining rust.

Now that the jointer is free from rust you may apply rust protection on it. If you examine the jointer you will see rust pits that is caused by rusts that was there before cleaning. No method of rust removal can fill in a rust pit once the rust has consumed the metal.

It is advisable that before you use the rust removal you must arm yourself with goggles and gloves to ensure your protection because rust removal are made of acids and these acids removes rust rather quickly.

Protecting your power tools from rust need not to be hard and time consuming, just follow the steps above and you will be able to keep them for a lifetime.